Unravelling Data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (unCoVer)
Unravelling Data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (unCoVer)
Europska komisija, Horizon 2020
TEMA: SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2E – Networking of existing EU and international cohorts of relevance to COVID-19
Trajanje projekta: 15. studenog 2020. – 14. studenog 2022.
Voditelj tima INANTRO: dr. sc. Miran Čoklo
Sažetak projekta:
unCoVer is a functional network of research institutions collecting data derived from the provision of care to COVID-19 patients by health systems across Europe and internationally. These real-world data allow for studies into patient’s characteristics, risk factors, safety and effectiveness of treatments and potential strategies against COVID-19 in real settings, and complement findings from efficacy/safety clinical trials where vulnerable groups, and patients with comorbidities are often excluded. The network will facilitate access to otherwise scattered datasets, and build computational and analytical platforms to streamline studies on risk characterisation, and prediction modelling using standardised pooled data derived from real life practices. It will fill data gaps, unify current initiatives and create downstream exploitation opportunities for researchers and public health strategies to optimise COVID-19 strategies and minimise the impacts of future outbreaks.
Genetic and environmental factors of insulin resistance syndrome and its long term complication in immigrant Mediterranean populations (MEDIGENE)
Project title: Genetic and environmental factors of insulin resistance syndrome and its long term complication in immigrant Mediterranean populations (MEDIGENE)
Duration: 2012 – 2015
Project number: FP7-279171-1
Project website:
Project manager: Christophe Normand, University Montpellier 1 (UM1), Montpellier, France
Project coordinator: Florin Grigorescu, University Montpellier 1 (UM1), Montpellier, France
- Universite Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, Fédération d’Endocrinologie, HOPITAL NEURO-CARDIO, Lyon-Bron, France;
- Centro De Investigacion Biomedica En Red De Diabetes Y Enfermedades Metabolicas (CIBERDEM), Laboratory of Diabetes and Obesity (IDIBAPS), Mallorca, BARCELONA, Spain;
- Catalan Insitute Of Classic Archeology, Tarragona, Spain;
- University Of Medicine And Pharmacy Carol Davila, National Institute of Endocrinology, Neuroendocrinology Laboaratory, Bucharest, Romania;
- Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia (Principal investigator of the Croatian team: dr. Saša Missoni);
- Alma Mater Studiorum-Universita Di Bologna, Division of Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna, Italy;
- Magna Graecia University Of Catanzaro, Laboratory of Internal Medicine, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Catanzaro, Italy;
- Scientific Institute Casa Sollievo Della Sofferenza, Department of Clinical Science, Rome, Italy;
- Universita Degli Studi Di Roma Tor Vergata, Department of Internal Medicine, Rome, Italy
- Ioannina University, Department of Endocrinology, Ioannina, Greece;
- Institute Of Biochemistry And Genetics, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Bashkortostan, Russia;
- Institut Pasteur De Tunis, Research Unit on Genetic Orphan Diseases, Tunis, Tunis;
- Univesity Of Alger 1, Laboratoire de Biochimie Génétique (LABIOGEN), Alger, Algeria;
- Institut Pasteur Du Maroc, Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire Humaine, Casablanca, Morocco;
- University Hospital Of Tirana, Endocrinology Division, Tirana, Albania;
- BC Platforms Ltd;
- PersonMed Ltd, Pecs, Hungary;
- Istanbul University, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Millet Caddesi, Capa, Istanbul, Turkey.
MEDIGENE is funded by EC to study genetic and environmental determinants of metabolic syndrome in immigrant Mediterranean populations. The authors make a distinction between ancestral, historical and actual migrations intend to use archeogenetic data to understand the genetic heterogeneity of Europe. The fundamental idea of MEDIGENE is to use the genetic architecture of Mediterranean populations to better stratify populations in Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) by using Y chromosome, mitochondrial DNA and Ancestry Informative Markers (AIMs) thus bringing together competences of anthropologists, geneticists and demographists in the effort to uncover genetic susceptibility for insulin resistance.
Objectives: (1) to characterize the genetic landscape of Southern Europe, Balkans, Anatolia and North Africa; (2) to study the variability of 150 candidate genes in both natives and immigrant populations; (3) to search for potential new genes and gene-environment interaction for metabolic syndrome.
Populations: Albanese (Illyrians) migrated in Northern Italy and Greece; Turkish (Altaic populations) forming a large community in Lyon (France); Romanian (Geto-Thracic populations from the Carpato-Danubian basin) exceptionally sedentary for millennia who recently immigrated in Spain; immigrants from North Africa (Berbers admixed with Bedouin tribes or Canaanite-Phoenicians in historical times) such as Algerians, Tunisians and Moroccans immigrated in France.
Methodology: Genes will be studied by GWAS and locus refining using next-generation sequencing (NGS) and haplotype mapping together with phylogenetic analysis. Informative filtered SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) will be used to replicate findings in home countries (Anatolia and North Africa).
Expected impact: To ameliorate the GWAS association signal by increasing power and better explaining heritability in population. MEDIGENE program will consider the metabolic syndrome on a broader perspective as adaptation of humans in relation with fertility, population density, social competitiveness and hierarchy or rural to urban transitions and expected findings will have consequences in understanding the way of life of different people with respect of their way of life.
National Institute of Health (SAD):
O projektu: Integrated GWAS and EWAS of Cardiometabolic Traits in an Island Population.
Naziv projekta: Studija genetičkih, epigenetičkih i okolišnih čimbenika rizika za kardiometabolička svojstva u otočnoj populaciji.
Voditelj projekta: doc. dr. sc. Saša Missoni, Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Suradne ustanove:
Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sjedinjene Američke Države
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 2017.
Kratak opis projekta:
Glavni cilj predloženog istraživanja je utvrditi genetičke i okolišne čimbenike koji stoje u podlozi nastanka metaboličkog sindroma na populaciji otoka Hvara, koja je odabrana kao izvrstan model zbog svoje dugotrajne genetičke izoliranosti, povećane učestalosti određenih metaboličkih bolesti i dobro očuvanih zapisa o rodoslovnim stablima otočana. Ovo istraživanje je nastavak projekta iz 2007. i 2008. godine na populaciji od 700 istih ispitanika, a cilj je usporediti promjene epigenetičkih obilježja u razdoblju od proteklih 10 godina (2007./2008. vs. 2017. godine). Na prikupljenim uzorcima provest će se analiza epigenetičkih modifikacija (epigenome-wide methylation analysis – EWAS) te će se dobiveni rezultati integrirati s rezultatima prethodno provedene cjelogenomske asocijacijske studije (genome-wide association study – GWAS), kako bi se otkrila povezanost genetičkih i epigenetičkih čimbenika u razvoju kardiometaboličkih poremećaja.
- INTEGRATED GWAS AND EWAS OF CARDIOMETABOLIC TRAITS IN AN ISLAND POPULATION (2016. – 2017., National Institutes of Health, SAD, su-voditelj: doc. dr. sc. Saša Missoni)
Biological and Biomechanical Characteristics of Sprint Running
Project title: Biological and Biomechanical Characteristics of Sprint Running
Type of project: joint collaborative investigation
Principal Investigators:
The Laboratory of Kinanthropometry of the Dep. Biomedical and Specialty Surgical Sciences, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy: Prof. Emanuela Gualdi, Drs. Luciana Zaccagni and Davide Barbieri
Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia: Drs. Saša Missoni and Ivor Janković
Faculty of Kinesiology of the University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia: Profs. Igor Jukić and Vesna Babić
Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia: Dr. Joško Sindik
The investigation utilizes various lab procedures starting from data collection on Croatian athletes to molecular and statistical analyses at the University of Ferrara in order to determine biological and biomechanical characteristics of professional athletes – sprint runners.
- Sindik, J., Babić, V., Missoni, S. (2015). Psychological Aspects of Top Croatian Sprint Runners: Athletic Engagement and Athletic Identity. In: Advances in Sports Research. Linton, E.S. (ur.). New York: NOVA Publishers, str. 81-99. ISBN: 978-1-63483-798-9
- Babić, V., Šarac, J., Missoni, S., Sindik, J. (2015). Athletic Engagement and Athletic Identity in Top Croatian Sprint Runners. Collegium antropologicum, 39(3), 521-528. (izvorni znanstveni rad) ISSN 0353-3735
Europski fond za regionalni razvoj:
Individualizirani pristup u predikciji razvoja dijabetesa (KK. .0021)
Naslov: Individualizirani pristup u predikciji razvoja dijabetesa.
Financiranje: Europski fond za regionalni razvoj, natječaj “Povećanje razvoja novih proizvoda i usluga koji proizlaze iz aktivnosti istraživanja i razvoja” (ref. oznaka: KK.
Suradnici: tvrtka MediLab ONE, Genos d.o.o. i Institut za antropologiju (doc. dr. sc. Saša Missoni, dr. sc. Vedrana Škaro, dr. sc. Petar Projić)
Trajanje: 17. 08. 2020 – 17. 08. 2023.
Projekt predstavlja industrijsko istraživanje s ciljem razvoja individualizirane usluge probira visokorizičnih pacijenata, temeljeno na glikomu plazme. Finalni proizvod predstavljat će razvijen test s identificiranim molekularnim strukturama koje upućuju na razvoj šećerne bolesti tipa 2 kod pacijenata koji još nemaju nikakve naznake bolesti. Navedeni proizvod će omogućiti predikciju vremenskog perioda u kojem će se iz predijabetesa razviti dijabetes, te će uključivati preporuke „životnih navika“ koje istu bolest trajno ili privremeno odgađaju (prehrambene navike – poželjno prema individualiziranim jelovnicima ponaosob usklađenim s metaboličkim karakteristikama visokorizičnih pacijenata te provođenje tjelesne aktivnosti/tjelovježbe). Kroz navedeni će se projekt eksperimentalnim razvojem istražiti glikanski i proteinski biomarkeri za razvoj dijabetesa te utjecaj životnih navika na prolongiranje perioda u kojem se bolest pojavljuje.
- INDIVIDUALIZIRANI PRISTUP U PREDIKCIJI RAZVOJA DIJABETESA (KK. .0021) / 2020.-2023., IRI, Europski fond za regionalni razvoj; Program OP Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014.-2020, Povećanje razvoja novih proizvoda i usluga koji proizlaze iz aktivnosti istraživanja i razvoja, voditelj INANTRO tima: dr. sc. Saša Missoni
Centar za primijenjenu bioantropologiju (BIOANT)
Projekt je sufinanciran sredstvima Europske unije iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj
Korisnik: Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 1. lipnja 2018. – 1. ožujka 2020.
Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 26.472.966,86 HRK
EU sufinanciranje projekta: 22.502.021,83 HRK
Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Instituta za antropologiju.
Više informacija o EU fondovima na
U svibnju 2018. godine Institut za antropologiju je potpisao ugovor o dodjeli bespovratnih sredstava za projekt „Centar za primijenjenu bioantropologiju”, koji je odobren u sklopu Poziva „Ulaganje u organizacijsku reformu i infrastrukturu sektora istraživanja, razvoja i inovacija” i financiran sredstvima iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj. Projekt uključuje izgradnju četiri nova laboratorija (Laboratorij za molekularnu antropologiju, Laboratorij za evolucijsku antropologiju i bioarheologiju, Laboratorij za kemijsku analitiku te Laboratorij za mikrobnu ekologiju) u postojećim prostorijama Instituta za antropologiju. Time će se Institutu za antropologiju omogućiti provođenje znanstvenih istraživanja vrhunske kvalitete i bolje povezivanje s međunarodnim institucijama te daljnje prijave važnih međunarodnih projekata, a sve sa ciljem daljnjeg osiguravanja konkurentnosti u europskom istraživačkom prostoru.
Projekt će poboljšati kapacitete Instituta za provedbu vrhunskih znanstvenih istraživanja, povećati broj istraživača koji rade u poboljšanim znanstveno-istraživačkim objektima, povećati broj znanstvenih publikacija objavljenih u znanstvenim časopisima indeksiranim na platformi Web of Science, povećati broj studenata i završnih radova te dati bolju osnovu za znanstvenoistraživačku suradnju sa srodnim ustanovama u Europi i svijetu. Omogućit će Institutu za antropologiju da postane vodeći nacionalni centar za provođenje antropoloških istraživanja.
Detaljan opis:
- CENTAR ZA PRIMIJENJENU BIOANTROPOLOGIJU (BIOANT)/ 2018.– 2020., Europski fond za regionalni razvoj, Voditelj: prof. dr. sc. Damir Marjanović
Austrijska zaklada za znanost:
Naslov: Rekonstrukcija genetičke raznolikosti i migracijskih obrazaca kasne avarske populacije pomoću analize drevne DNA
Trajanje: 2021. – 2022.
Financiranje: program Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities (JESH)
Voditeljica: dr. sc. Dubravka Havaš Auguštin, Centar za primijenjenu bioantropologiju, Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb, Hrvatska
- sc. Jelena Šarac, Centar za primijenjenu bioantropologiju, Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb, Hrvatska
- sc. Mario Novak, Centar za primijenjenu bioantropologiju, Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb, Hrvatska
- prof. dr. sc. Ron Pinhasi, Odjel za evolucijsku antropologiju, Sveučilište u Beču, Beč, Austrija
Prema povijesnim i arheološkim nalazima, Avari su u srednju Europu stigli iz srednjih euroazijskih stepa u 6. stoljeću. Tijekom 200 godina njihove vladavine sve do propasti Avarskog kaganata ostavili su značajan trag, kako u materijalnim dobrima, tako i u arheološkim nalazima koji se mogu vidjeti na mnogim mjestima iskopavanja u Panonskom bazenu. Ipak, vrlo je malo poznato o njihovim migracijskim obrascima, genetičkoj povijesti i utjecaju na genetičku strukturu suvremenih Europljana. Svega nekoliko nedavnih genetičkih studija različitih avarskih skupina iz srednje Europe potvrdilo je kako je njihovo podrijetlo najvjerojatnije azijsko, što je vidljivo iz veće zastupljenosti haplogrupa mtDNA i Y kromosoma specifičnih za azijske populacije. Međutim, stupanj miješanja s različitim avarskim i drugim populacijama ostao je uglavnom neriješen. Nadalje, podaci o genetičkom podrijetlu Avara s područja Hrvatske u potpunosti nedostaju te je njihova povezanost s drugim avarskim ili slavenskim populacijama još uvijek nepoznata. Cilj ovog projekta je istražiti genetičku raznolikost populacije Avara s groblja Šarengrad iz kasnog avarskog razdoblja (8. stoljeće), korištenjem tehnologije sekvenciranja sljedeće generacije (engl. next generation sequencing, NGS) koja je nedavno omogućila značajne iskorake u proučavanju drevne DNA. Kompletna obrada uzoraka i analiza podataka obavit će se u jednom od najboljih europskih laboratorija za drevnu DNA analizu na Odjelu za evolucijsku antropologiju Sveučilišta u Beču kod prof. Rona Pinhasija. Dobiveni rezultati drevnih genoma Avara pružit će uvid u njihovo matrilinealno i patrilinealno nasljeđe te će biti povezani s podacima (bio)arheologije (kontekstualna analiza grobnih dobara, spola, starenja, patologije). Rezultati ovog projekta dat će odgovore na složena pitanja o avarskom načinu života, društvenoj organizaciji i njihovim migracijskim putevima na širem europskom području koja su stoljećima bila nerazriješena.
NAZIV PROJEKTA: Tragajući za slavenskim korijenima hrvatske populacije pomoću analize drevnih genoma
TRAJANJE PROJEKTA: 2021. – 2022.
FINANCIRANJE PROJEKTA: Austrijska akademija znanosti, JESH program
VODITELJ PROJEKTA: dr. sc. Jelena Šarac
- sc. Dubravka Havaš Auguštin, Centar za primijenjenu bioantropologiju, Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb, Hrvatska
- sc. Mario Novak, Centar za primijenjenu bioantropologiju, Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb, Hrvatska
- prof. dr. sc. Ron Pinhasi, Departmen of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Razvoj tehnologije sekvenciranja sljedeće generacije i prepoznavanje koštanih ostataka kao bogatog izvora očuvane DNK, pretvorile su analize drevne DNK u revolucionarno novo oruđe za istraživanje prošlosti. Budući da se još uvijek malo zna o utjecaju različitih skupina stanovništva u srednjovjekovno doba (Slaveni, Avari, Huni, Mađari itd.) na genetički krajolik jugoistočne Europe i same Hrvatske, postalo je moguće analize drevne DNK iskoristiti za stjecanje novih spoznaja. Iako je fenomen „slavizacije“ Europe opisan u pisanim izvorima, pitanje materijalnih ostataka i dokaza o širenju Slavena u Hrvatsku i dalje je predmet rasprava i nejasno je u kojoj je mjeri ta srednjovjekovna kulturna transformacija utjecala na genetički krajolik Hrvatske. Stoga će ovaj projekt analizirati drevnu DNK jedinki s arheološkog nalazišta Jagodnjak-Krčevine u istočnoj Hrvatskoj koristeći tehnologiju sekvenciranja sljedeće generacije (NGS) kako bi se proširilo i produbilo znanje o 1000-godišnjem srednjovjekovnom razdoblju današnjeg hrvatskog teritorija. Obrada uzoraka i analiza podataka provest će se u specijaliziranom laboratoriju za analize drevne DNK na Sveučilištu u Beču, u suradnji s prof. dr. sc. Ronom Pinhasijem. Projektne aktivnosti uključivat će pripremu biblioteka drevne DNK, sekvenciranje uzoraka drevne DNK na Illumina platformi, bioinformatičku i biostatističku analizu podataka te izradu znanstvene publikacije na temelju rezultata projekta. Dobiveni rezultati pomoći će rasvijetliti utjecaj slavenskih migracija u ranom srednjem vijeku na hrvatski genetički krajolik, utvrditi stupanj miješanja između autohtone hrvatske populacije i pridošlica iz istočne/srednje Europe te omogućiti dublju karakterizaciju glavnih sastavnica genskog bazena srednjovjekovne Hrvatske na temelju sinteze podataka o drevnim autosomima, mitohondrijskoj DNK i kromosomima Y. Projekt će također omogućiti uvid u opće zdravstveno stanje istraživanje populacije i spolno uvjetovane migracijske događaje u testiranom ruralnom stanovništvu iz istočne Hrvatske.
Nutricia Research Fundation:
Obesity in Croatian Roma: The Interaction of Leptin System Genes and Nutritional Status Biomarkers in Different Environment
Naziv projekta: Debljina kod hrvatskih Roma: interakcija gena leptinskog sustava i biomarkera prehrambenog statusa u različitom okružju
Šifra projekta: 2012-36/2013-E7, Nutricia Research Foundation, Hag, Nizozemska ( Nutricia Research Foundation je neovisna dobrotvorna organizacija osnovana radi potpore istraživanjima u području ljudske prehrane.
Trajanje: 2012.-2013.
Voditeljica: prof. dr. sc. Tatjana Škarić-Jurić
Dr. sc. Marijana Peričić Salihović
Prof. dr. sc. Nina Smolej Narančić
Prof. dr. sc. Branka Janićijević
Prof. dr. sc. Jasna Miličić
Dr. sc. Ana Barešić
Željka Tomas
Dr. sc. Matea Zajc Petranović
Glavni je cilj ovog projekta istražiti učinke promjena u životnom stilu na ekspresiju genetičkih čimbenika rizika za debljinu. Među populacijama koje su izuzetno pogodne kao model za takvo istraživanje ističe se populacija hrvatskih Roma koja se nalazi u fazi tranzicije s tradicionalnog na moderan način života. Kako socioekonomsku tranziciju redovito prate promjene u načinu života te demografska i epidemiološka tranzicija, ovakvo istraživanje omogućuje prepoznavanje onih promjena koje nose povećani rizik za nastanak debljine, a time i za zdravlje populacije.
Wenner Gren Fundation:
Population Structure and Genetic History of Western Balkan Roma
Project title: Population Structure and Genetic History of Western Balkan Roma (2005. – 2008.)
Project number: 7349
Principal Investigator: Dr. Irena Martinović Klarić
Funded by Wenner-Gren Foundation, USA.
The field research was focused on the study of the Bayash, a branch of Romanian speaking Roma consisting of numerous groups living dispersedly in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Whereas the study of matrilinear heritage is underway, the origin and molecular architecture and of the Croatian Bayash paternal gene pool has been unveiled. The Bayash in Croatia represent one population of largely shared paternal genetic history characterized by a substantial percentage (44%) of common H1-M82 and E3b1-M78 lineages. Limited diversity of Indian specific H1-M82 lineages imply descent from closely related paternal ancestors from India, whereas substantial percentage of E3b1 lineages and high associated microsatellite variance is a reflection of significant admixture with majority populations from Southeastern Europe. Additional, although modest, traces of admixture are evident in the low frequencies of typical European haplogroups such as J2-M172, R1a-SRY1532, I1a-M253, R1b3-M269, G-M201 and I1b*-P37. Two phenomena are apparent in Croatian Bayash and analyzed European Romani populations: genetic homogeneity as a consequence of massive sharing of identical, ancestral Indian patrilineages in parallel with population differentiation based on variable distribution of less frequent, but typical European patrilineages introduced via more recent episodes of gene flow.
Medical Research Council:
Mapping genes underlying complex quantitative traits in Croatian isolate population
Principal Investigators:
Medical Research Council, Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh: Prof. Alan Wright, Prof. Andrew Carothers
Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb: Prof. Igor Rudan
The University Court of the University of Edinburgh: Prof. Harry Campbell
Managment Board: Prof. N.D. Hastie, MRC HGU, Dr. Kate Wilson, MRC HGU, Dr. Gordon Murray, EU, Prof. Pavao Rudan, IAR, Prof. Ulf Gyllensten, Uppsala University
Funded by Medical Research Council, Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh.
The aim of this study is to map and identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) concerned with risk factors to common diseases in an isolate population.
The key factors required for such a study are as follows:
1. Geographic isolation. The islands of the Dalmatian coast are wll established geographic and population studies.
2. Reduced genetic diversity. In the Dalmatian coast isolates, endogamy is high, and was encouraged both by economic and geographic factors. The island populations show a range of inbreeding patterns.
3. Population stability. Generally high, due to low immigration, although i varies depending on locality.
4. Environmental uniformity. The comparative environmental uniformity of this island population, for example in terms of diet, socio-economic status and physical activity, is one of the major advantages of a study in this region.
5. Accurate genealogical information. The church archives have good records dation to the 17th century which allows the construction of accurate pedigrees. Thi is an essential components to the study since most of the power of QTL mapping lies in the use of identify-by-descent (IBD) information.
Smithsonian Institution (SAD):
Biological and cultural microdifferentation among rural populations
Project number: SMI-JF 259, Smithsonian Institution, USA
Principal Investigator: Prof. Pavao Rudan
Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Linda A. Bennett
Consultants: Prof. Paul T. Baker, Prof. Derek F. Roberts, Prof. Robert R. Sokal
Associates: M.K. Gilliland, B. Janićijević, V. Jovanović, J. Miličić, V. Rudan, N. Smolej Narančić, A. Sujoldžić, S.M. Špoljar Vržina, D.M. Waddle, S. Martić Biočina, I. Rudan, S. Čolić, A. Marković Malnar, I. Martinović Klarić, L. Szirovicza, M. Bakran, L. Barać, M. Peričić
The research project included the field work that was carried out by the multidisciplinary research team of the Institute for Anthropological Research. It comprised classical methodology used over the course of last project terms as well as the new DNA analyses. Additionally, the research concerning the problems of refugees and displaced persons was also carried out. It indicated that there is a necessity of conducting the applied anthropological investigations aimed at the benefit of these populations. Since they are influenced by specific and stressful living situations, the population structure changes much faster than it would under conditions normal for the other contemporary populations of Europe.
Smart Integration of Genetics with Sciences of the Past in Croatia: Minding and Mending the Gap (MendTheGap)
Horizon 2020 (H2020-TWINN-2015)
Smart Integration of Genetics with Sciences of the Past in Croatia: Minding and Mending the Gap (MendTheGap)
(692249 – MendTheGap)
Project duration: 1 February 2016 – 31 January 2019
Coordinator: CrEAMA (Croatian Eastern-Adriatic MIT disciplinary Archaeology Initiative)
(University of Zagreb Faculty of Agronomy, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute for Anthropological Research, University of Zagreb Faculty of Science, Croatian Natural History Museum, Cultural Centre Vela Luka)
University of Cambridge (Cambridge, Great Britain)
University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy)
Summary of the project:
This project is an innovative opportunity to mend several gaps in the research capacity in Croatia in Archaeology, Genetics, and other ‘Sciences of the Past’ by twinning a consortium of Croatian researchers (CrEAMA Initiative) with archaeological scientists from the University of Cambridge (UCAM) and the University of Pisa (UP). The project exploits location-specific advantages that arise from two crucial facts. Firstly, there is large number of archaeological sites and remains in Croatia that are relatively understudied. Secondly there is a group of researchers (CrEAMA Initiative) whose research capacity, impact, and grant success at the European level has not realised full potential owing to a relative lack of resources, coordination, and strategic planning. This project will unlock this latent scientific potential by developing multi-inter-trans- disciplinary (MIT disciplinary) expertise. Our ultimate vision is to develop a research group capable of using an MIT disciplinary approach to Sciences of the Past; this will be a powerful force for innovation and will contribute to resolving contemporary issues. This vision will be realised through support from our partners: the UCAM and the UP. Both institutions display success in Archaeology, Genetics and other Sciences of the Past, and have proven track records in applying for and completing EU-funded research projects. The first goal is to establish and integrate the existing MIT disciplinary scientific research community in Croatia. The second goal is to upgrade and intensify scientific research of CrEAMA Initiative by utilising recent methodological achievements in genetics (NGS) and other biological disciplines (GMM). The third goal is to foster integration of the CrEAMA Initiative into ERA. Our last goal is to commercialise and integrate the CrEAMA Initiative research with the needs of society (local community) at the local (Korčula Island), regional (Dalmatia), national, European (web) and global (web) level.
- SMART INTEGRATION OF GENETICS WITH SCIENCES OF THE PAST IN CORATIA: MINDING AND MENDING THE GAP (MendTheGap) (2016. – 2019., European Commission, HORIZON 2020, voditelj: prof. dr. sc. Stašo Forenbaher)
Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present (iNEAL)
Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
Trajanje akcije: 1. studenog 2020. – 31. listopada 2024.
Voditelj akcije: dr. sc. Ivor Janković
Sažetak akcije:
Neandertals are the first human population that can be truly recognized as pan-European phenomenon. Traces of their cultural and/or skeletal remains can be found in most European countries and cover a period of more than 250 000 years. A lot of scientific work has been done on various aspects of their heritage and there is a vast collection of archaeological and anthropological data available. However, there is still a discrepancy in available and updated datasets from various countries. In addition, communication between scientists from various fields and from various countries is still based on personal connections between individual scientists, mostly related to specific projects. This Action is a long overdue attempt to bridge the geographic, language, disciplinary-and-data specific gap, as well as a gap created by traditions of different disciplines in different European countries. Through a combined, scientifically-based and geographically inclusive approach, creation of a growing inclusive database, and promoting dialogue among scientists and creating guidelines for research, a solid base for better understanding of Neandertals can be reached. Further, this will allow a base for inclusion of Neandertal legacy into the present, through scientifically based guidelines for public presentation and further actions for promoting their heritage via inclusion of non-scientific stakeholders, such as administrators, museum and cultural workers, touristic sector, small and medium enterprises and other interested parties.
Mrežna stranica akcije:
- INTEGRATING NEANDERTAL LEGACY: FROM PAST TO PRESENT (iNEAL) / 2020. – 2024., CA19141, voditelj dr. sc. Ivor Janković
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology:
The Neandertal Genome Project
Naziv projekta: The Neandertal Genome Project
Voditelj projekta: Prof. Svante Paabo, Max Planck Institut za evolucijsku antropologiju, Leipzig, Njemačka
Voditelj hrvatskog istraživačkog tima: Akademik Pavao Rudan
Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb
Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
Berlin-Brandenburška akademija
An international consortium of researchers has sequenced the genome of our closest relative, the Neandertal.
In a paper released in Science on May 7, 2010 the team reports the sequencing of an initial draft of the genome. The sequence was generated from several Neandertal fossils from Croatia, Germany, Spain and Russia using high-throughput sequencing technologies.
Results indicate that Neandertals are slightly more closely related to modern humans outside Africa. The team also identified several genomic regions that appear to have played an important role during human evolution.
Mrežnu stranicu projekta pogledajte ovdje.
- THE NEANDERTAL GENOME PROJECT (2008. – 2011., Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Njemačka, voditelj: akademik Pavao Rudan)
Languages in a Network of European Excellence (LINEE)
Languages in a Network of European Excellence (LINEE)
EC Framework Programme 6, NoE
Duration: 2006-2010
Network web-site:
University of Bern (CH), University of Vienna (AT), Charles University, Prague (CZ), Free University of Bozen – Bolzano (IT), Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb (HR), University of Southampton (UK), University of Szeged (HU), University of Applied languages, Munich (DE), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (PL)
Former partners:
Catholic University of Brussels (BE), University of Latvia (LV)
Anita Sujoldžić (Project leader)
Pavao Rudan
Vesna Muhvić-Dimanovski
Senka Božić-Vrbančić
Mislava Bertoša
Anita Skelin Horvat
Lucija Šimičić
Olga Orlić
Mirna Jernej
LINEE (Languages in a Network of European Excellence) is a European scientific network of 9 European universities, involving around 80 researchers. The general aim of LINEE is to investigate linguistic diversity in Europe in a coherent and interdisciplinary way, by developing an innovative, visible and durable scientific network that can overcome scientific fragmentation and serve as a world-wide quality and knowledge-based reference framework.
In particular, LINEE aims to produce coherent, innovative research results by an interdisciplinary approach, integrate knowledge of partner universities, establish a durable, innovative scientific network, reassess traditional research, and raise the visibility of linguistic diversity in Europe as a key issue in European integration. The research space will be re-defined through the development of new methodological and theoretical platforms, which can serve as benchmarks for a concept of “New Multilingualism”.
Research within LINEE is organized in four Thematic Areas, each divided into three levels of analysis (European, national and regional):
- Language, Identity and Culture: Examines how language, identity and culture relate to each other and by what other factors they might be influenced in which way.
- Language Policy and Planning: Examines the adequacy of the existing language policy and language planning efforts in the EU countries.
- Multilingualism and Education: Examines how young people develop an embracing capacity to behave in a flexible and adequate manner in concrete multilingual contexts.
- Language and Economy: Examines the interplay between language and economy and aims to provide results that can impact on the building of a knowledge-based society.
The scientific activities of the Institute for Anthropological research fell mostly within the Thematic area on Language, Identity and Culture (Supervisor: Professor Anita Sujoldžić), more precisely within the following projects: “Carriers and symbols of European culture and identity”; “Europeanization and the reshaping of cultural tourism and cultural industry”; “Language and concepts of national identity”; “Promoting national identity internationally”;
“Local and regional varieties as markers of identity”; “Politics and strategies of identity in multicultural European cities”.
Because of bridge-building between theory and practice, a focus on conflict neutralisation mechanisms and the dissemination of reliable knowledge to the scientific community and other actors dealing with policy issues, LINEE will also aim to provide unbiased scientific expertise to several actors dealing with multilingualism and multiculturalism, such as policy-makers, scientists, stakeholders addressing language diversity and practitioners.
- LANGUAGES IN A NETWORK OF EUROPEAN EXCELLENCE (LINEE) (2006. – 2010., European Commission, Sixth Framework Programme, voditeljica prof. dr. sc. Anita Sujoldžić)
Cultural sensitivity and competence in adolescent mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention
Duration: 2006-2007
University of Bari, Dept. of Statistics, Italy
Institute for Anthropological Research, Croatia
University of Tirana,Albania
University of Tuzla, BH
Scientific coordinator of the Croatian team: Prof. dr. Anita Sujoldžić
Researchers: Dr. Senka Božić, Prof. dr. Vlasta Rudan, Mr. sc. Marlena Plavšić
Project web-site:
The proposed support action will promote the exploitation of the results of the R&D project (ICA2-2002-10006). Within this framework, it is dedicated to the priority in the domain of health of the Call for Support Actions in Western Balkan Countries, focusing on the evidence-based mental health interventions in immigrant/refugee youth through community-based participatory approach and knowledge building that are aimed at increasing capacity of both WBC and Member States countries to minimize the adverse consequences of the post-conflict and post-trauma health problems. In view of these objectives the action is primarily dedicated to incorporate appropriate “best practices” in the project activities, identified by the systematic review of international research literature to be effective in promoting adolescent mental health in cross-cultural populations and raising cultural awareness. The research will be involved in developing and implementing targeted educational, culturally appropriate information kit for youth and their parents, flexible education and training programme and manual on transcultural and migration issues in youth mental health to be delivered in workshop format, seminars or presentations to mental health service providers, social workers, school counselors and ethnic community members. These actions will contribute to visibility of mental health within the general framework of public health in involved WB countries and will help to develop or adapt policy, local service and institutions to the needs of individuals and families from refugee and immigrant background.
- CULTURAL SENSITIVITY AND COMPETENCE IN ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH PROMOTION, PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION (2005. – 2007., European Commission, Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), voditeljica: prof. dr. sc. Anita Sujoldžić)
Health Problems, Mental Disorders and Cross-Cultural Aspects of Developing Effective Rehabilitation Procedures for the Refugees of the War-Affected Countries
Contract number: ICA2-2002-10006, EC FP5-INCO: International Scientific Cooperation Projects
Duration: 2002-2004
Keywords: adolescents, refugees, acculturation, mental health, sequential traumatization
Administrative coordinator:
Prof. dr. Amelia De Lucia, University of Bari, ITALY
Scientific coordinator:
Prof. dr. Anita Sujoldzic, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, CROATIA
Prof. dr. Reiner Buchegger, Johannes Kepler Universitat, Austria,
Prof. dr. Rifet Terzić, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, E-mail:
Prof. dr. Ibrahim Behluli, University of Prishtina, Medical Faculty, Kosovo,
Prof. dr. Zyri Bajrami, University of Tirana, Natural Sciences Faculty, Albania,
Project web-site:
The project is an international comparative study on risk and protective factors of adolescent health and well being, with particular focus on youth with refugee (or immigrant) experience. Related to the quality of life and health outcomes of adolescent youth it looks at group-specific differences within different socio-cultural contexts across six European countries, including those with high long-term immigration rates (Italy and Austria) and those of post-conflict communities (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania). It combines both quantitative and qualitative methods, using a common set-up across all countries involved with the goal of collecting comparable data on adolescents to allow cross-country analyses. Key research questions refer to the assessment of risk and protective factors and resilience affecting psychosocial health of adolescent refugees/immigrants within highly divergent life situations in family, school and community settings, and in highly divergent cultural and contextual settings of different countries. The consideration of the interaction of both developmental intra-personal and inter-personal factors of adolescent integration, as well as its broader ideological, cultural and socio-economic context in particular countries, should help to detect mechanisms that can counterbalance health hazards of “sequential traumatization,” and to implement more efficient preventive mental health rehabilitation programs for these particularly vulnerable victims of post-conflict communitiesAn international standard version of protective and risk factor screening survey as a tool to identify adolescents who may benefit from medical or mental health services was developed. It provides data on the interactive influence of main risk and protective factors identified in different domains, including community, school, family, the peer group, and the individual as well as its consequences on youth outcomes in terms of general health and behavior as well as psychological distress, well-being, and resilience.The total sample collected in all countries involved amounts to over 4800 adolescents who completed the core survey questionnaire in schools.
The obtained results provide important empirical data on the most salient problems connected to psychosocial adjustment and experience of adolescent immigrants and refugees in six countries of resettlement. The study has identified a range of specific risk and protective factors associated with various settings (family, school, community) and additional to those recognized as relevant to adolescents generally, which are uncovering a complex interaction between the young person, their family, and their social, economic and cultural environments.
Islands in Transition: Anthropological Analysis
Project title: Islands in Transition: Anthropological Analysis (1999.)
Project number: 98 CRO 305
Funded by: UNESCO Participation Programme
Principal Investigator: Prof. Pavao Rudan
Co-Principal Investigators: Prof. Guy Heyden, Branka Janićijević, Igor Rudan, Nina Smolej Narančić, Anita Sujoldžić, Sanja M. Špoljar-Vržina
Scientific Personnel: Stašo Forenbaher, Irena Martinović Klarić, Jasna Miličić, Vlasta Rudan, Lajos Szirovicza, Lovorka Barać, Snježana Čolić, Tomislav Lauc, Ana Malnar, Marijana Peričić, Diana Rudan
Scientific Consultants: Prof. Paul T. Baker, Prof. Derek F. Roberts, Prof. Robert R. Sokal
The project represents a logical continuation of study of cultural and biological microdifferentiation of rural populations on the Middle Dalmatian island of Hvar in Croatia. Investigations were extended topically and geographically, while maintaining the core of cultural and biological components of the previous research and pursuing the holistic analytic approach in understanding the complexity of MAB problems.
- ISLANDS IN TRANSITION: Anthropological Analysis (1999., UNESCO, voditelj akademik Pavao Rudan)
The Study and care of refugees families – The pilot study of anthropological and psychodynamic aspects
Project title: The Study and care of refugees families – The pilot study of anthropological and psychodynamic aspects 1994. – 1995.
Project number: 2954-1994, UNESCO
Principal Investigator: Prof. Pavao Rudan
General Supervisor: Prof. Guy Heyden
Co-principal Investigator: Prof. Dubravka Maleš
Senior Personnel:
Snježana Čolić (social anthropology)
Mary K. Gilliland (cultural anthropology)
Branka Janićijević (human genetics)
Veljko Jovanović (mathematical modelling)
Jasna Miličić (human genetics)
Josip Perinić (medical anthropology)
Vlasta Rudan (psychiatrist – psychotherapist)
Nina Smolej Narančić (biological anthropology)
Anita Sujoldžić (cultural anthropology)
Mario Šlaus (forensic anthropology)
Sanja M. Špoljar Vržina (psychodynamic anthropology)
Project represents a multidisciplinary approach in the attempt of identifying crucial problems concerning displaced persons, refugees and their families. Particular emphasis is put on anthropological, psychodynamic and pedagogical study of the latter concerning the island of Hvar in the Eastern Adriatic region of Croatia.
Project focuses on:
1. Problems of integration and assimilation of displaced and refugee populations in communities and with respect to host populations who have different social structures and cultural orientations
2. Evaluation of problems associated with the re-organization of families as a result of loss, primarily of husbandsm fathers and sons
3. Mental health problems of the high risk groups concerning the new circumstances of their living
4. Analysis of the mechanisms of self-organization in coping with changed life situation
5. Studying problems related to all aspects of altered childrearing caused by war, dislocation of civilians, violence and changed qualities of family life
6. Studying some elements of the acculturation process concerning the host-culture population and refugees and displaced persons.
The ultimate goal of the investigation is to produce a model that could be useful for application in other societies/countries which are currently going through similar social and political changes, and in those where the same traumatic processes could occur in the future.
BENCH TO BEDSIDE TRANSITION FOR PHARMACOLOGICAL REGULATION OF NRF2 IN NONCOMMUNICABLE DISEASES (BenBedPhar) / 2021. – 2025., CA20121, dr. sc. Saša Missoni, član Upravnog odbora Akcije
RNA COMMUNICATION ACROSS KINGDOMS: NEW MECHANISMS AND STRATEGIES IN PATHOGEN CONTROL / 2021 – 2025., CA20110, dr. sc. Luka Bočkor, član Upravnog odbora Akcije
SLOW MEMORY: TRANSFORMATIVE PRACTICES FOR TIMES OF UNEVEN AND ACCELERATING CHANGE / 2021. – 2025., CA20105, dr. sc. Morana Jarec, članica Radne skupine 5
- TRACES AS RESEARCH AGENDA FOR CLIMATE CHANGE, TECHNOLOGY STUDIES, AND SOCIAL JUSTICE /2021. – 2025., CA20134, dr. sc. Morana Jarec, članica Radnih skupina 2 i 3
NETWORK FOR BLOOD PRESSURE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS / 2020. – 2024., CA19115, dr. sc. Saša Missoni, zamjenski član Upravnog odbora Akcije
RESEARCHER MENTAL HEALTH / 2020 – 2024., CA19117, Nives Fuchs, zamjenska članica Upravnog odbora Akcije
EUROPEAN BURDEN OF DISEASE NETWORK / 2019 – 2023., CA18218, dr. sc. Saša Missoni, član Radne grupe 1
WHO CARES IN EUROPE? / 2019 – 2023., CA18119, dr. sc. Jelena Seferović, članica radne skupine 2
NOVEL TOOLS FOR TEST EVALUATION AND DISEASE PREVALENCE ESTIMATION / 2019 – 2023., CA18208, dr. sc. Saša Missoni, zamjenski član Upravnog odbora Akcije
- UNDERGROUND BUILT HERITAGE AS CATALYSER FOR COMMUNITY VALORISATION / 2019 – 2023., CA18110, dr. sc. Ivor Janković, član Upravnog odbora Akcije
- STATISTICAL NAD MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES IN HUMAN MICROBIOME STUDIES / 2019 – 2023., CA18131, dr. sc. Luka Bočkor, zamjenski član Upravnog odbora Akcije
- WRITING URBAN PLACES. NEW NARRATIVES OF THE EUROPEAN CITY / 2018 – 2022., CA18126, dr. sc. Petra Rajić Šikanjić, zamjenska članica Upravnog odbora Akcije
- CATALYSING TRANSCRIPTOMICS RESEARCH IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE / 2018 – 2022., CA17129, dr. sc. Natalija Novokmet, članica Upravnog odbora Akcije
- PERSONALIZED NUTRITION IN AGING SOCIETY: REDOX CONTROL OF MAJOR AGRE-RELATED DISEASE / 2017. – 2021., CA16112, dr. sc. Matea Zajc Petranović, zamjenska članica Upravnog odbora Akcije
- NETWORK ON THE COORDINATION AND HARMONISATION OF EUROPEAN OCCUPATIONAL COHORTS / 2017. – 2021., CA16216, dr. sc. Jelena Šarac, zamjenska članica Upravnog odbora Akcije
- FROM SHARING TO CARING: EXAMINING SOCIO-TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF THE COLLABORATIVE ECONOMY / 2017 – 2021., CA16121, dr. sc. Olga Orlić, članica Radnih skupina 3 i 4